food fanatic.bookaholic.mommy

What would win in a baked goods battle between a chocolate chip cookie and a brownie? Hard to decide?  How about if you make a brownie topped with a layer of chocolate chip cookie dough? That is exactly what this week’s Tuesdays with Dorie selection was. The recipe was selected by Beth of Supplicious and you can find it on her blog here.


I quite like these brownies, though the mister proclaimed that the cookie layer reigned supreme and proceeded to swipe the cookie layer off the top of my piece. The brownie layer is moist and rich, just the way I like my brownies. So, I wasn’t too upset when my husband stole my crispy cookie layer.

The recipe was easy to make although it did involve an extra bowl to mix the brownie layer and cookie layer separately. But, I burned a few calories washing out the bowl between layers… calories that I quickly consumed and then some eating these tasty little treats.

And here’s my dirty little secret: I didn’t realize that I was completely out of vanilla until I went to bake these, so I omitted it entirely. they still came out great. You couldn’t tell the vanilla was missing. Needless to say, the next day I picked up a new bottle of vanilla.

Comments on: "Chipster-Topped Brownies" (6)

  1. Yours look fabulous.

  2. I love it with the strawberry!

  3. You know, there have been several occasions lately when I’ve put something in the oven only to remember that I plain old forgot to add the vanilla. It’s not a good thing! But I completely believe that your chipster brownies were delicious even without it. They look amazing.

  4. teaandscones said:

    The texture on that yummy looking brownie is fantastic. Looks just right.

  5. Those look amazing! Definitely something I’ve got to try.

  6. I liked the cookie layer better too!

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